Save the Date! Singapore Mathematics 2014 Seminars

BER Eval

Here are the 2014 dates for my BER  seminars “How to Use the Best Strategies from Singapore Mathematics to Strengthen your Math Instruction”  and  “Boost Students’ Math Problem Solving Skills Using Singapore Model Drawing” 

Specific locations and registration information available through March. I’ll update this post when the April and May dates are available. Now available!

Current 2014 dates – “How to Use the Best Strategies From Singapore Mathematics to Strengthen Your Math Instruction” (BER)

This overview of Singapore Math® strategies will put your students on the road to success with number sense, computation and problem solving.  (Plus you a get a handy-dandy handbook!)

Current 2014 dates – “Boost Students’ Math Problem Solving Skills Using Singapore Model Drawing” (BER)
A whole day of problem solving with Singapore Bar Modeling PLUS that handbook for your own home enjoyment!

Your city not on the list? Contact me and I can bring my Singapore Math® workshop(s) to your school or district – email Cassy (at)

New Bar Modeling iPad Apps!

For many years, I’ve highly recommended to my students who hone their bar modeling skills while playing really fun games. These flash-based programs work great on a desktop or laptop, but required third-party solutions to work on mobile devices.

Tired of using Rover to run on your iPad?

Well, hop on over to the iTunes app store because Math Playground has just published  four new iPad apps based on the popular website that work perfectly, provide tracked progress and are FREE for a limited time:

Addition and Subtraction:

Thinking Blocks Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division:

Thinking Blocks Multiplication & Division


Thinking Blocks Fractions

Ratios and Proportion:

Thinking Blocks Ratio & Proportion



It Figures: Why U.S. Schools are Using Math from Singapore

Singapore’s Channel NewsAsia produces a show called “It Figures” described this way:

How do all the numbers and statistics on Singapore add up? IT FIGURES, figures it all out.

The premier episode of “It Figures Season 2” seeks “to find out why schools in the US are using our Math textbooks and adopting our way of teaching Math.”

Viewers were challenged to solve the Primary 5 Math problem below. Can you do it?

It Figures word problem

Most Singaporeans used Algebra.

Teacher Owen Lau uses the bar model method beginning at about 1:45:

[youtube][/youtube]From the Singapore TV Show It Figures.

Mr. Lau explains that “students can see better if a problem is presented in pictorial form.”  The following concepts are reinforced:

  • The Model Method: Drawing diagrams and bars to represent math problems visually.
  • The Model Method is not as abstract as Algebra, and helps students understand concepts instead of blindly apply math formulas.

The debut episode of “It Figures Season 2,” explaining the use of the Singapore curriculum in the US airs, on July 2, 2013.


Images and clip from the Channel NewsAsia website.


If I had a million dollars, ok $1000…

Recently, I received a question from an excited teacher who had just received a grant to spend on her classroom: “If you had a $1000 dollar grant and taught second grade, what would be the most important pieces of Singapore Math you’d buy?”

If I had a million dollars, ok $1000… here are two scenarios.

#1 Using the curriculum in 2nd grade as your main curriculum

  1. A classroom set of the 1B & 2A textbooks @ $9.00 each, so if you had 24 students + 1 for your self: 25 x $18 = $450
  2. Possibly a set of the 2B textbooks: 25 x $9 = $225
  3. A Teacher Manual for 1B, 2A & 2B: 3 x $21 = $63
  4. A workbook for reference and problem ideas for 1B, 2A & 2B = 3 x $9 = $27
  5. Challenging Word problems level 1 & 2: 2 x $8.50 = $17.00
  6. Intensive Practice: 1B, 2A & 2B: 3 x $8.80 = $26.40
  7. Process Skills in Problem Solving: $10.70
  8. Math Sprints Masters, Levels 1 & 2: 2 x $31 =$62
  9. Elementary Mathematics for Teachers by Parker & Baldridge: $29
  10. Place Value Strips: $12.50

That’s $625.80

I’d spend the rest on linking cubes, base-10 blocks, place value disks or other manipulatives and containers to keep them organized.

Keep in mind that for Number Disks/Place Value Disks you’ll need about 20 each of ones, tens and hundreds disks per student or pair of students sharing. Many companies sell these:

Place Value Disks, 100 Ones DisksPlace Value Disks, 100 Ones Disks

Place Value Disks - 100 Tens DisksPlace Value Disks – 100 Tens Disks

Place Value Disks (1-3): HundredsPlace Value Disks – 100 Hundreds Disks

#2 Using Singapore Math to Supplement another core curriculum:

  1. Start a library at your school with one set of the textbooks and workbooks for every grade level at the school as reference (4 per grade level)  x $9.00 each book – k-6 would be $36 x 7, k-5 would be $36 x 6
  2. A Teacher Manual for each level:  $21 each book, 2 books per grade level = $42 per grade level
  3. Challenging Word problems are $11 each and there are 6 levels (1-6)
  4. Process Skills in Problem Solving vary in cost from $10.20 to $12.80 – levels 1-6
  5. SpeedMaths Level 1 – 4: $8.20 each (no higher than level 4!)
  6. Math Sprints Masters, Levels 1 -5: 5 x $31
  7. Elementary Mathematics for Teachers by Parker & Baldridge: $29 several copies for staff
  8. The Singapore Model Method for Learning Mathematics: $29 for grades 5 & up
  9. Teaching of Whole Numbers by Dr Yeap Ban Har, Singapore’s renowned math educator, $30.50
  10. Bar Modeling A Problem-solving Tool also by by Dr Yeap Ban Har, for lower elementary. $30.50
  11. Place Value Disks: get plenty of ones, tens and hundreds. $15.95 per 100 disks
  12. Place Value Strips: $12.50 and other manipulatives (if you don’t already have them on campus).

What did I miss? Are there any books or tools that you consider “must-haves” in your Singapore Math classroom?


Win Singapore Math Training! Help Colorado Charter Schools!


In addition to championing Elementary Math education, I’m a long-time Charter School advocate and have an especially deep relationship with two award-winning Charter Schools.

For many years, I volunteered and taught at Benchmark School in Phoenix, Arizona (the first school in the region to introduce the Singapore Math® curriculum!).  Next month, I’ll complete a three-year term as a member of the Board of Directors of Liberty Common School in Fort Collins, Colorado (also a long-time user of Math from Singapore!). My two sons attended both Benchmark and Liberty.

I am very grateful to be able to count scores of Charter Schools among my training and consulting clients.

For these reasons, I was struck by the announcement that The Colorado League of Charter Schools is hosting a 20th Anniversary Luncheon & Silent Auction to honor and recognize Charter School Founders. The event will be held on June 3, 2013 — 20 years to the day after the Colorado Charter Schools Act was signed into law.

I’m a huge fan of the Colorado League of Charter Schools and truly appreciate all the great services it provides to Colorado Charters.

So…I’ve donated one-day of Singapore Math training to the League’s 20th Anniversary Silent Auction.

Proceeds from the auction will support the League’s 20th anniversary campaign, including advocacy programs and efforts to improve public awareness and understanding of charter schools.


The League’s Silent Auction accommodates online bidding, so I invite anyone (ANYWHERE) who might want to bring Singapore Math Training to a school to try and win this offering. If you don’t already know, I’ll go ANYWHERE to work with teachers looking to use Singapore Mathematics.

Happy Bidding! (I’ll post a link to the auction after it goes live on May 27.) You have until 10pm, Mountain time on May 31.

For prospective bidders, here is information about my training services, some comments from past participants and general terms for this auction item:

Since 2008, Cassy has had the pleasure of introducing Singapore Math® to thousands of teachers, administrators and parents in 34+ U.S. States, Mexico, Canada, Ghana and the Republic of Palau. She has helped more than 60 schools (including 15 in Colorado!) successfully implement the Singaporean curriculum.

Cassy’s acclaimed seminars receive rave reviews:

  • Fabulous!! Cassy’s energy, enthusiasm and knowledge make this one of the MOST FABULOUS days of staff development that I have been lucky enough to experience in 40 years! Thanks so much!
  • Cassy is wonderful! She has wonderful ideas and presents them with such enthusiasm! Amazing!!
  • Best seminar I have been to in my 25 years of teaching. Lively, worthwhile, keeps your attention. Taking back strategies and activities I can use in my classroom. Very motivating.
  • This seminar will significantly change how I approach teaching math problem solving with my high ability students. Cassy’s energy and enthusiasm for math made the day fly!
  • Wow! Wonderful strategies! Can’t wait to bring it to my classroom. Thank you!
  • This was the best workshop I have ever attended. Cassy was excellent.

Bid on this item to bring Cassy to your school!

Choose from seminars on supplementing with Singapore Math strategies, Singapore Bar Model Drawing or apply to multi-day adoption training. Resource handbooks for up to 40 participants are included.

Note: Cassy is prepared to bring this training to you. However, a winning bidder outside Colorado Front Range communities will be responsible for reimbursing her actual travel expenses to your location.

Questions: Cassy (at) SingaporeMathSource (dot) com.


NEW Singapore Math® Job Placement Resource

Singapore Math Source launches job placement service for Elementary Math EducatorsSince its launch in 2008, Singapore Math Source has become one of the internet’s leading sites for Singapore Math® resources. provides a broad assortment of resources for administrators, teachers, parents and students. What’s more, everything listed on these resources pages has been tested  and/or created by me personally. When I work with schools and teachers or host my after-school math clubs for students, these are the materials and sites I actually use and strongly  recommend.

If you haven’t visited these pages, I invite you to take a look.

New Singapore Math®  Jobs Placement Page

Today, I’m happy to add a new “Jobs Placement” page to the site’s Singapore Math® Resources. This page is the direct result of questions that I frequently am asked:

  • Do you know of a teaching candidate with experience using the Singapore curriculum?
  • Do you know of a tutor who might help my students learn math?
  • What school might appreciate my knowledge and experience teaching Math from Singapore?”

This isn’t fancy (for now, at least). But I hope it might help schools, teachers and parents with specific personnel needs to meet one another. If you are asking any of these questions, let me know and I’ll see if I can help.


Photo courtesy of brizzlebornandbred






Summer Singapore Math® Professional Development opportunities

Here are some recommended intensive programs available this summer focusing on Singapore Math. These events are especially helpful if a school is looking to enhance the knowledge of a Math Coach. ( I’ll be presenting on developing a Math Coach at the National Conference for Singapore Math Strategies – See below)

If your school is considering sending more than three or four teachers to one of these programs, you may find it’s more cost-effective and powerful to provide customized professional development for your entire school!


Bolles School 2013 Summer M4thodology Workshop

Grades K-2: June 17-19, 2013
Grades 3-6: June 19-21, 2013
The Bolles School
Jacksonville, FL
$695 per session

Instructors are Dr. Yeap Ban Har and Sarah Schaefer.


Singapore Math – Number and Operations Institute

June 24-27, 2013
Worcester State University
Worcester, MA
$700 (Plus get housing on campus for $25/night)

Course Instructor: Dr. Richard Bisk

The primary goal of this institute is to deepen your understanding of the math you teach, regardless of whether you plan to use the Singapore books as your primary texts.

Singapore Math Summer Institute – Where Content Meets Pedagogy

July 10-12, 2013
Worcester State University
Worcester, MA

Details coming soon.

Singapore Math conference Las Vegas 2013

2013 National Conference on Singapore Math Strategies

July 15-19, 2013
The Venetian/The Palazzo Resort
Las Vegas, NV
$769 for four days with discounts for multiple attendees from the same school. One, two, and three day options available.

Almost three dozen presenters (!), including Dr. Yeap Ban Har, Dan Meyer, Ron Clark, and yours truly, Cassy Turner.

My sessions are aimed at K-6 Administrators and include:

  • You’ve Adopted Singapore Math, Now What?
  • Making Math Assessment Meaningful
  • What Happening Here? What an Administrator Should see in a classroom using Singapore Math
  • Developing an In-House Singapore Math “Go-To” Expert

Singapore Math and Lesson Study Summer Institute

iSingaporeMath (dot) com

August 26 – 29, 2013
Briarciff Manor School District
Briarcliff Manor, NY
$169/per day or $676 for all four

Choose one, two, three, or all four days of this intensive institute with Bill Jackson and Dr. Makoto Yoshida.



NCTM 2013 Conference Singapore Math Sessions

It’s conference time again. No not parent conferences, Mathematics conferences!

The NCTM Conference program book is now online and choosing which workshops and sessions to attend continues to be a challenge.  If you’d like to check out some sessions on Singapore Mathematics, there’s good news and bad.

Good news? There are 10 sessions involving Singapore-style math this year and while there’s plenty of bar modeling, there are two that focus on implementations. (The number of overall choices is down again from the number offered last year)

Bad news? Anything listed below in pink is an overlapping session.  Below are my thoughts on which session to choose, if you have a conflict.

FYI – Three of the ten sessions are Exhibitor’s Workshops:

Exhibitor Workshops (60 minutes) are designed to allow exhibitors more time to showcase their products and services away from the Exhibit Hall.


Thursday, April 18: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM – No conflict

#61 – Getting Number Bonds to Stick Like Glue
Lead Speaker: Catherine Kuhns

Inspired by the highly successful strategies from Singapore, this session will focus on high-interest and engaging concrete, pictorial, and abstract tasks that lead to genuine understanding and recall of the critical number combinations up to ten. These activities are appropriate for whole groups, small groups, and centers—and they are kid approved. Suitable for educators teaching Grades prek-2.

Thursday, April 18: 12:30 PM-1:30 PM – No conflict

#173 – Reasoning in the Elementary Classroom: It’s Easier Than You Think
Lead Speaker: Berinderjeet Kaur
Co-Speaker: Denisse R. Thompson

Mathematical reasoning is not only one of the NCTM Process Standards but also an important practice in the Common Core. We will share several simple strategies from both the Singapore and U.S. perspectives on modifying tasks and questions to bring reasoning to the instructional forefront. Suitable for educators teaching Grades 3-5

Thursday, April 18 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM – No conflict

#301.3 – Math Buddies: The Digital Singapore Math Solution in Action
Exhibitor Workshop: Marshall Cavendish Education

The latest K–5 digital curriculum from Marshall Cavendish Education, Math Buddies aligns with the Common Core State Standards and integrates multimedia with instructional pedagogy from Singapore Math texts.

Friday, April 19 8:00 AM- 9:00AM – Some conflict

#306 – Adopting Singapore Math: A Case Study
Lead Speaker: Kathleen Jalalpour
Co-Speaker: Corrinne Lieu

Six years ago, Keys School in Palo Alto, California (K–8), adopted Singapore Math. We will present data, experiences, and film clips of math classes. We will summarize the overwhelming benefits of Singapore Math, the obstacles we had to overcome, and the best methods of implementing this acclaimed math curriculum. Suitable for educators teaching Grades preK-5.

Friday, April 19 8:00 AM- 9:15AM – Some conflict

#337 – Exploring Reasoning and Communication with Problems from Singapore Classrooms
Lead Speaker: Ban Har Yeap

Experience mathematical reasoning and communication by solving problems taken from Singapore classrooms. Learn three strategies to enhance reasoning and communication: the use of questions, concrete materials, and visuals. We will use geometry and measurement problems across grade levels. Designed for teachers working with grades 3 – 8.

The first session will provide an overview of an implementation at the Keys School in Palo Alto. Dr. Yeap will be using questions, concrete materials and visuals to explore problems across content and grade level.

-> Interested in one school’s experience? Head to the adoption session.
-> The second session has Ban Har Yeap. Enough said.

Friday, April 19 9:30am – 10:30am – Some conflict

#372 – Singapore’s Visual Models to Reason and Make Sense of Problems
Lead Speaker: Andy Clark

We will focus on the visual models and visualization used in the highly successful Singapore curriculum. These aspects offer students entry points to complex problems and develop deep understanding of topics such as operations with fractions, ratio, and algebraic manipulation. We will also discuss examples of their rich problems. Suitable for educators teaching Grades 6-8.

Friday, April 19 9:45 AM – 11:45 AM  – Some conflict

#396 – Bar Modeling, Percent Decrease, and the Common Cold
Lead Speaker: Kathleen Hill
Co-Speaker: Jennifer Luebeck

Lesson using the investigative approach with an interactive computer simulation and the mathematical tool of a bar model to help students make sense of the variables that affect the spread of disease. Suitable for educators teaching Grades 6-8.

Friday, April 19 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Some conflict

#425 – Linking Bar Diagrams and the Standards for Mathematical Practice
Lead Speaker: Robin Silbey

This highly interactive presentation teaches bar diagramming, a powerful, visual–logical problem-solving strategy focused on reasoning. You’ll draw bar diagrams to represent and solve several word problems. Through the lens of the Standards for Mathematical Practice, you’ll see how bar diagramming develops mathematical proficiencies. Hands-on session designed for teachers working with grades 3 – 8.

-> Looking for a specific lesson with a little bit of bar modeling? Head to the second session
-> Andy and Robin are always insightful. I’d aim to hit both the first and third sessions!

Friday, April 19 2:30pm – 3:30PM – No conflict

#542.3 – Lessons from Singapore: Developing Number Sense/Problem Solving with Visual Models
Exhibitor Workshop: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

See an American version of Singapore’s highly successful curriculum and its use in the U.S. The session will focus on how Singapore’s visual models and effective pedagogy enable all students to develop number sense and solve complex problems so they are ready for the Common Core State Standards–based assessments.

Satuday, April 20 10:00 AM – 11:00AM – No conflict

#681.3 – Implementing Singapore Math: A Collaborative Effort
Exhibitor Workshop:

Explore how the Primary Mathematics series was used as a tool to build a higher-performing mathematics program in a low-performing school. The presenter will share data, pictures, teacher reflections, successes, and challenges of implementing this focused and coherent curriculum.


Maths in Singapore



Learning from the East: The benefits of persistence

Elementary Math class in Singapore by Cassandra Turner, Singapore Math Teacher, Trainer, CoachWorking with schools, teachers and parents over the last five years, I’m often asked whether cultural differences can explain why Singapore’s students have led the world in international math standings for 15 years while US students rank no better than mid-pack.

When I visited Singapore in 2007, I learned how the country decided to focus on building strong Singaporean citizens beginning with their earliest education.  The country’s mathematics curriculum (Primary Mathematics) was developed in the early 1980s with this goal in mind. At that time, Singapore’s students were mediocre at math. Within a few years after the launch of the second edition of Primary Mathematics, Singapore’s students topped the international TIMSS study.

To me, it’s quite easy to attribute much of Singapore’s Math success to changes in how it approached education, including, most importantly, the new curriculum. Could Singapore’s culture have changed dramatically between 1984 (when Singapore’s students were ranked 16th of 26 in the Second International Science Study) and 1995 (when they ranked first in the TIMSS study)?

Today, much attention is paid to “Tiger Mothers,” who, in the words of the Economist,

“load their cubs down with extra homework and tuition to make them excel at school.”

This trend seems more recent; it’s also one which, remarkably, Singapore’s current Prime Minister wants to curtail (

A more subtle consideration concerns expectations; how do parents and teachers ask students to engage in schoolwork?

I had a driveway moment this fall when NPR ran a story ( titled, “Struggle For Smarts? How Eastern And Western Cultures Tackle Learning.” The piece focuses on the importance of persistence to a student’s learning. Reporter Alix Spiegel cites several examples, then gets to the heart of the issue:

“For the most part in American culture, intellectual struggle in schoolchildren is seen as an indicator of weakness, while in Eastern cultures it is not only tolerated but is often used to measure emotional strength.”

Reporter Spiegel then chooses to NOT to choose between East and West. In this silence, though, I believe there is a teachable moment for those of us in the West.

In training sessions with teachers, it is not uncommon to encounter resistance when I advise (insist) that teachers give students the opportunity to really work on math problems. This can be a difficult skill for teachers to learn.

And if teachers are inclined to want to move their class along before giving students a chance to truly work the math, parents can worse. They are unaccustomed to and uncomfortable at seeing their children struggle, unable to finish their home enjoyment (aka homework). Parents sometimes can be too quick to either give their kids a pass (well, you have tried, haven’t you?) or demand an explanation of the teacher (why can’t my child do the homework?).

Here’s where I find that it’s critical to have laid the groundwork and properly set expectations. Teachers need patience (whew, do teachers ever need patience!). They must let their students work through problems, even if they end up struggling and having to start over. And parents need to appreciate that homework (honestly completed or struggled with) can be the best feedback loop for teachers.

Pointing at cultural differences to rationalize a lack of math proficiency in many of our students serves no one. Instead, I think there’s a lot to be gained by asking that western students work a bit more to earn some of the praise they frequently receive.
