Updated 3/25/2020
Looking for online content to supplement (or teach) Singapore Math? Try these sites:
FREE with registration.
The company that started it all here in the U.S. is providing videos to help parents and students finish the 2019/2020 school year at home. Look for me in the 3B videos.
Students: If you email TeacherCassy@mathchampions.com with the name of the video in which my dog appears, I’ll send you a Math Champions sticker!

FREE Interactive bar model tool. There are several versions:
- Junior
- Addition/Subtraction
- multiplication/division
- Fractions
- Ratios
- Modeling Tool (Use Thinking Blocks word problems that also include decimals and algebra)
The Singapore Maths Teacher
Provided problems have a step-by-step slide format allowing students to pause and consider drawings and answers.

FREE interactive bar modeling app that can be used to create models for problems. Problems are not included, but they do have a Video Library for sale of problems and solutions.
Math Buddies
PAID/Free trial available
Online learning platform from Marshall Cavendish, publisher of Primary Mathematics and Math in Focus.
Conceptua Math
FREE/PAID additional content
Has a superb set of free whole number and fractions tools which use a similar pedagogical approach as the Singapore syllabus.
PAID 20% discount offered as of 3/25/2020
ISM = Increase Skills to Mastery. ISM is an online Singapore Math program that provides practice and assessment on specific skills, bar model drawing and test prep.
Home Campus
From Singapore. Learn, practice and assess elementary mathematics, currently grades 3 – 7. Learn component is free, and a good resource for parents looking for homework help!
Teachable Math
PAID/FREE trial available
Lesson plans, training videos, and worksheets for teachers and parents. Aligned to most Singapore Math materials.
Matholia – Practice, learn and play
PAID/FREE trial available
Comes in both US-Common Core and US-Singapore Math editions. Matholia is an online portal that provides Practice, Learn, Play, and Review components in addition to digital manipulatives, and of course, full reporting with color-coded skills map. For grades 1- 6. I’m hearing GOOD things about this program!
PAID/Ipad apps also available
The leading online Mathematics E-Learning system in Singapore since 2001. Now for grades 1-12.

Online classes based on Primary Mathematics for grades 1-6, New Elementary Mathematics for grades 7-10 and College Mathematics for grades 11-12. Runs on flash right now, so may not be around for much longer.