Word Problem Wednesday – Screws and Nails

This month’s Word Problem Wednesday problem comes from Dimensions Math 4A (available spring of 2019).

There are twice as many nails as screws in a bin. If 510 of the nails and 75 of the screws are used, there will be the same number of nails as screws. How many nails were in the bin to start with?

Submit your solutions by the end of the month!

Last month’s Word Problem Wednesday problem was from Math in Focus Grade 3.

How did you do?


Word Problem Wednesday – Farmer Fred

This month’s Word Problem Wednesday problem comes from Math in Focus Grade 3.

Farmer Fred makes 4 quarts of orange juice on Monday. He makes 2 quarts more orange juice on Tuesday than on Monday. He makes 2 more quarts on Wednesday than on Tuesday. He carries on making 2 more quarts of orange juice every day than the day before. In how many days will he make a total of 80 pints of orange juice?

Submit your solutions by the end of the month!

Last month’s problem was from Primary Mathematics Challenging Word Problems 3:

How did you do?


Events Recap – Jumpstart your Singapore Math® 2018

We were thrilled to welcome teachers, coaches, specialists and administrators from 18 states to our Jumpstart your Singapore Math® Instruction workshops this summer.

We are so very grateful that you took time from your summer to join us….And we are delighted that you found it valuable!

Scenes from Jumpstart 2018

What Attendees said about Jumpstart 2018

I have been in education for over a decade, and this has been one of the most engaging, practical, and meaningful Professional Development opportunities of my career. Thank you to these amazingly bright and helpful experts!

-Keith Grifffin, 1st and 2nd grade Math Specialist, City Academy School, St. Louis, MO

As an administrator, this training was invaluable to my understanding of the Singapore approach to teaching math!

-Melanie Stivers, 5-8 Principal, Springfield Christian School, Springfield, IL

This is the best training I’ve been to. Every minute was enjoyable and educational. I feel better going into the school year and am excited to teach the Singapore way. It was life changing and mind blowing!

-Jen Irish, 3rd Grade Teacher, Terra Academy, Vernal UT
There were so many things I was unsure how to teach in Singapore Math. Cassy and Beth explained the elements in layman’s terms so I could understand the material myself, then showed us, from a student’s perspective, how to solve the problems with a logical approach. The biggest difference between this training and others was, I didn’t feel like I had to be a Math expert to teach the curriculum.

-Penny Hagerman, Interventionist, 3-5, Vanguard Classical School West, Aurora, CO

Truly appreciated the lesson planning information. The teacher’s guide does not have enough information to assist teachers with teaching strategies. I feel I can teach better and help my students better understand and build on the concepts. Awesome Class!

-Cheryl Kenney, 1st Grade Teacher, Augustine Christian, Tulsa, OK

Thanks to Jumpstart 2018 Hosts

Clayborne Education – Charlottesville, VA
Augustine Christian Academy – Tulsa, OK
Liberty Common School – Fort Collins, CO
Mounds Park Academy – Saint Paul, MN

We will announce details regarding 2019 Workshops soon. If you would like to receive notice of upcoming workshops and are not already on our email list, please complete our Training Needs Survey or give us a call.



Word Problem Wednesday – Jason and Louis

This month’s Word Problem Wednesday problem comes from Primary Mathematics Challenging Word Problems 3.

Jason and Louis picked up a total of 30 cans. For every 2 cans that Jason picked up, Louis picked up 3 cans. How many cans did each boy pick up?

Submit your solutions by the end of the month!

Last month’s problem was from Dimensions Math 6A:


Here’s a solution from Reader Shirley Davis:

How did you do?


Word Problem Wednesday – Laiza’s Dress

This month’s problem comes from Dimensions Math 6A and highlights the unitary method of solving problems:

Laiza spent 38% of her money on a dress and the rest on a purse. If she spent $114 on the dress, how much did she spend on the purse?

Submit your solutions by the end of the month!


Last month’s problem was from the website TestPapersFree.com, which provides past copies of continual and semestral assessments from Singapore Primary Schools. This is a great resource if you’re looking to see questions directly from Singapore classrooms. The problem is from Raffles Girls School,  Grade 4, and is a Semester 2 assessment, which is the final term of the year.

Pei Ling had 3 times as many cards Zandy. Sulaiman had half the number of cards Zandy had. There were a total of 1278 cards.
How many more cards did Pei Ling have than Zandy?

Here’s a solution from Reader Shirley Davis:








How did you do?


