Fayette County to expand Singapore Math program

Fayette, Kentucky schools were in the news this week:

More Fayette schools sign up for Singapore math program
By Jim Warren
Lexington Herald-Leader Online

More Fayette County schools want to join the district’s demanding new Singapore math program, the county Board of Education was told Monday night.

And WLKY.com and the Associated Press adds:
More Singapore Math Classes Likely In Lexington

The county’s elementary math content specialist told the Fayette County Board of Education on Monday that up to eight more schools want to start using the program in the fall, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported. Nine elementary schools in Fayette County began using the program in 2009 and a dozen more joined this school year.


Singapore Math Training Update

Thumbs up for more great Singapore Math Seminars!

I’ll be presenting “How to Use Strategies from Singapore Math to Strengthen your Math Instruction” for the Bureau of Education and Research in several cities this May. You can read more about these one-day seminars and register by clicking on the city. Whether you’re new to Singapore Math or just interested in learning more about some of the strategies, you’re sure to leave with a new understanding of the curriculum, strategies that you can use tomorrow and renewed energy for teaching math. (Plus a handy-dandy handbook!)

That’s all
til next fall
for BER’s
Don’t be blue,
I can come to you!

Cassy@singaporemathsource.com me for more information.



Parent takes a stand for Singapore Math

This story came across the news today:

Parent Kipp Marcus discovered Singapore Math:

“…because a colleague of mine whose son goes to Hunter, was working on the whiteboard in our office one day, and this kid was just exploding with math,” Marcus told the Board of Education on Monday night. “And what was exciting was not just that he knew how to do math, but that he loved it — and this was not a kid who just loved math. He was just a kid who got it.”

Read the full story: Westport Dad Backs ‘Singapore Math’



Singapore Math Slated for Study by Utah’s Legislature

In the final week of its 45 day legislative session, Utah’s House failed to pass S.B. 179, the Math Education Initiative, sponsored by Sen. Howard Stephenson (R-Draper).  As reported earlier, the Senate-passed version of S.B. 179 provided incentives for schools to adopt the Singapore Math Curriculum.

Utah’s budget situation played a role in the fate of S.B. 179. However, before adjourning, the Legislature did include a Singapore Math incentive program as an item worthy of further study prior to the 2012 Session.

Under H.J. R. 24, the Master Study Resolution, the Legislature gives the Legislative Management Committee items of study for consideration prior to the 2012 Annual General Session. Items may be assigned to the appropriate interim committee, which is to study and make recommendations for legislative action in the 2012 Session.

H.J.R. 24 includes the following math study items:

  • Math Instruction – to study a proposal to provide a pilot program for incentives for Singapore math instruction.
  • Algebra and Geometry Pilot Program – to study whether to provide a pilot program for honors algebra and geometry.
  • Secondary Math Requirements – to study high school math requirements versus college readiness.

H.J.R. 24 passed both the House and Senate without opposition.


Elementary Math Boot Camp

When I go speak at a school’s Parent Night about Singapore Math, I get asked a lot of different questions. The most common one, however, is how can I help my child with his/her homework? To help out in Northern Colorado, my home base, I decided to take my Parent Boot Camps to another level. A monthly or bi-weekly level through Meetup.com. Each meetup, we’ll work through an elementary mathematical concept, review strategies, and learn a fun activity or game that supports the concept.

As we get going, I’ll post more about the meetups and the questions and issues that concern parents the most.

From the Read more about us page (where you can register to join, too):

Does your student struggle with his or her math homework? Are you arguing over who’s way of solving problems is right, yours or the teacher’s? Wouldn’t it be nice if your child thought math was FUN? It’s time for a math boot camp for parents! Each Meetup will engage parents with strategies to help their child as well as some time for home-enjoyment review. (Really, why should it be homeWORK?)

Who: Parents who want to help their elementary school students with mathematics.

Why: While math hasn’t changed much since we were in school… virtually everything else has, include teaching methods, curricula, homework, and expectations

How: Using math strategies from Singapore Math and other World-Class curricula, we’ll focus on understanding elementary math concepts. Why do we invert and multiply when dividing fractions? What are we doing when we “borrow” from a number? Why don’t kids memorize their multiplication tables anymore?

Bonus: At each Meetup, I’ll provide Math-Campers with some handpicked resources that engage students and strengthen their mastery of math facts. We’ll play games that focus on mathematics content and discuss your child’s homework assignment, so bring them along!
