Singapore Math Slated for Study by Utah’s Legislature

In the final week of its 45 day legislative session, Utah’s House failed to pass S.B. 179, the Math Education Initiative, sponsored by Sen. Howard Stephenson (R-Draper).  As reported earlier, the Senate-passed version of S.B. 179 provided incentives for schools to adopt the Singapore Math Curriculum.

Utah’s budget situation played a role in the fate of S.B. 179. However, before adjourning, the Legislature did include a Singapore Math incentive program as an item worthy of further study prior to the 2012 Session.

Under H.J. R. 24, the Master Study Resolution, the Legislature gives the Legislative Management Committee items of study for consideration prior to the 2012 Annual General Session. Items may be assigned to the appropriate interim committee, which is to study and make recommendations for legislative action in the 2012 Session.

H.J.R. 24 includes the following math study items:

  • Math Instruction – to study a proposal to provide a pilot program for incentives for Singapore math instruction.
  • Algebra and Geometry Pilot Program – to study whether to provide a pilot program for honors algebra and geometry.
  • Secondary Math Requirements – to study high school math requirements versus college readiness.

H.J.R. 24 passed both the House and Senate without opposition.

About Cassy Turner

Passionate about Singapore Math + Teacher Trainer and Coach + Treasure Hunter + Learner. Answer to the ultimate question? 42.


  1. Math becoming a problem for Utah students
    March 29th, 2011 @ 10:29pm
    By Nadine Wimmer

    SALT LAKE CITY — Utah students are increasingly having problems with math problems — and that’s a problem for all of us.

    In recent years, Utah Valley University has doubled the faculty for remedial math. At Salt Lake Community College, a spokesman says 28 percent of the student body takes remedial math. At Westminster College, they may need to start pre-algebra classes — which are usually taught in junior high school…

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