More Singapore Math Strategies Seminar dates

Here are the latest 2012 dates for my Bureau of Education and Research (BER) seminar “How to Use the Best Strategies from Singapore Math to Strengthen your Math Instruction

(Click though for specific location and registration info.)

This in-depth look at strategies from Singapore math will put your students on the road to success with number sense, computation and problem solving.  (Plus you a get a handy-dandy handbook!)

More dates for “How to Use the Best Strategies from Singapore Math to Strengthen your Math Instruction

Dates for “Boost Students’ Math Problem-Solving Skills Using Singapore Model Drawing”


Advice on identifying a good school

The New York Times SchoolBook recently ran an an article from Peg Tyre, author of “The Good School: How Smart Parents Get Their Kids the Education They Deserve”.   Entitled Five Tips for Identifying a Good School, Tyre identifies five research-based tips for identifying what makes a “good” school.

Here’s her response to the question: What does a good math program look like?:

Math ability builds on math experiences. From the first day of preschool, children should be exposed to numbers and simple math concepts (greater than or less than, bigger or smaller) and algorithms (add and take away).

A good elementary school math program (yes, I’m talking about you, Singapore math) helps children harness their innate sense of number, their mental math, to understand math concepts. Being able to compute quickly and accurately is a must, too.

It seems like everyone is “talking about you, Singapore math”, these days. From the Common Core State Standards to Core Knowledge to schools across the country, Singapore math is all the buzz.

Wondering about schools using the curriculum near you? Check out my Schools in the News page or email me at Cassy (at) singaporemathsource (dot) com.


Singapore Math Seminar Dates and Locations

As promised, here are the first batch of 2012 dates for my BER  seminar “How to Use the Best Strategies from Singapore Math to Strengthen your Math Instruction

(Click though for specific location and registration info.)

This in-depth look at strategies from Singapore math will put your students on the road to success with number sense, computation and problem solving.  (Plus you a get a handy-dandy handbook!)

More March 2012 dates will be posted soon!


Singapore Math in Columbus: Teachers are seeing great gains in their students

A recent article in the Columbus Dispatch reported that the Columbus (Ohio) School District is using a new K-2 math curriculum based on Singapore Math.

Reporter Jennifer Smith Richards outlined some of the reasons for Singapore’s math success:

Solving problems — and a deeper understanding of why the answer can be found with a certain method instead of only how — is a key principle of Singapore’s methods. The country’s national math curriculum is slower-paced than many American methods and insists on laying a strong foundation in understanding numbers and place value.

Smith Richards importantly notes that the District,

chose to move away from so-called reform math, which relies more heavily on learning abstract mathematic concepts at the outset, in part because students who didn’t have a strong foundation in number sense weren’t as successful.

Third grade teacher Meagan Erwin nails it: “If you understand how a number is made up, there’s no stopping you.”

In Columbus, Singapore Methods are being introduced in Grades K through 2 this year. Next year, the Singapore Math curriculum will be included in Grades 3 to 5.

Note how Ms. Erwin’s students found many ways to answer the problem on the board: “If Gigi has eight bags with 94 stickers each, how many does she have in all?” And reporter Smith Richards has done an excellent job focusing on the strengths of Singapore Math using a concrete example.


Singapore Math Model Drawing Seminar Dates

Last year, the Bureau of Education & Research asked me to create a seminar focusing on Singapore Math Bar Modeling. Reviews from the try-out seminars were fabulous and I’m pleased to announce that BER will be offering the seminar in select cities in January, 2012.

Boost Students’ Math Problem-Solving Skills Using Singapore Model Drawing
(Click though for specific location and registration info.)

This in-depth look at the Singapore Math Model Drawing method will help your students understand and master the model method of problem solving.  (Plus you a get a handy-dandy handbook!)

I’ll be posting 2012 dates for my popular “How to Use the Best Strategies from Singapore Math to Strengthen your Math Instruction” soon!
