Welcome to 2021! I don’t think I need to add anything to all that has been said 2020 except good riddance. Our house burned up and still isn’t rebuilt, schools have been on-site, then remote, then on-site, then remote, then…
…And through it all, teachers and students have been struggling to stay focused.
I think we all deserve a pat on the back for making it through 2020.

Whether you have had a good or a bad year, it’s important to celebrate what one can – and that’s why I’m celebrating you! Thank you for visiting this site and for your continued support.
Thank you for getting up every day and heading to school to be there for your students, even if your “school” is a computer in your garage.
Thank you for Zoom-ing, Team-ing, Google Jam-ming, Flipboarding, Screencastify-ing, Padlet-ing, or whatever new technology you have learned to connect with your crew.
Thank you for subscribing to our Jumpstart Your Singapore Math On-Demand video modules! They are being updated now and will be available in smaller, bite-sized chunks soon.
Thank you for having me in your classrooms. It is a privilege to continue to work with teachers and students during these crazy months.
I have plenty of posts and videos coming so keep your eyes on this space. Additionally, I will also be announcing summer 2021 Jumpstart Your Singapore Math workshops soon, so be sure to sign up for the mailing list.
Thanks for being so interested in Singapore Math. I’m from Singapore and is a great beneficiary of Singapore Education.
Hope more people can improve their math more effectively using your resource