Math Conference Mania: Part 1

Last week, two mathematics conferences were held in San Diego: The NCSM (National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics) and the NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The first focuses on mathematics teacher-leaders and includes supervisors, coaches, and just about anyone who works at a department head level or is involved in a Professional Learning Community. The NCTM national conference is a whopper! Over 10,000 people attended this year and while those numbers are down from prior years, there were plenty of interesting sessions to attend and informative people to meet.

Singapore Math was well represented at both conferences, which prompted this tongue-in-cheek tweet from a @ddmeyer, a high school math teacher:

“Hey you guys! Has anybody heard anything about this “Singapore Math”?! #nctm10”

From the session descriptions alone, I counted:

NCSM: Six Singapore Math sessions for 1500 attendees

  • Singapore Math for the U.S. Classroom *
  • Lessons from Singapore: The Professional Development Required to Implement a World-Class Curriculum *
  • Intriguing Lessons About How Math is Taught and Assessed in High Performing Asian Countries
  • Developing a Singapore Math Curriculum: From Theory to Practice *
  • Using Singapore Math Model Drawing to Help Special Education Students and Struggling Learners Become More Capable and Willing Problem Solvers
  • Integrating Curriculum, Assessment, and Teacher Professional Development: Singapore and the United States *

NCTM: Twelve Singapore Math sessions for about 10,000 attendees

  • Linking Concepts, Context, and Problem Solving through Singapore Math Model Drawing
  • A Glimpse of Singapore Math in the Primary Grades
  • The Cutting Edge of Singapore Math: Problem Solving, Creative Thinking and Inquiry Thinking
  • The Singapore Math for Helping Children Solve Challenging Mathematical Problems
  • Singapore Math: Contextual Word Problem Solving Leads to Concept Mastery
  • Math with Meaning – Success the Singapore Way: Foundations of Number Sense
  • Does Singapore Mathematics Enhance Students’ Learning in the United States *
  • Making Connections: Problems from Singapore Classrooms
  • Lessons from Singapore: Using Visual Models to Teach Algebra and Number Sense
  • Using “Strip Diagrams” to Solve Algebra Word Problems
  • Intervention Strategies: The Singapore Way
  • Let’s Make Triangles With Sticks! Geometry in Asian Textbooks

Sessions with an asterisk (*) are ones that I attended and reviews of those are forthcoming. With over 750 total sessions, scheduling at NCTM was a challenge. There were three different venues and many of the Singapore Math-related sessions at NCTM ran concurrently or overlapped. Anyone truly interested in learning about Singapore Math could have attended six entire sessions or parts of all of them.

Of the six sessions at the NCSM, half were by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Math in Focus series authors Patsy Kanter, Andy Clark and Dr. Fong Ho Kheong. They were the only sponsors at the NCSM conference sponsor area that displayed materials related to the Singapore Math Curriculum. (Also published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt divisions and on display in the booth: Saxon Math, Think Math, McDougal Littell, Destination Math, Go Math)

This was my second NCTM conference (takeways from 2009 here) and my first visit to the NCSM. I can see that I will need to reserve the full week in the future to attend both. In addition to the Singapore Math-related sessions, I attended sessions on formative assessment, writing effective homework, coaching, asking good questions and fractions. My mind was expanded by renowned professors such as Deborah Loewenberg-Ball and Hung-Hsi Wu (session reviewed at Kitchen Table Math II).

Start saving now for next year’s annual conferences in Indianapolis, April 11 – 16, 2011!


April is Math Awareness Month

Sponsored by the American Mathematical Society, the American Statistical Association, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the theme for April’s Math Awareness Month (MAM) is Mathematics and Sports.  From the press release:

Sports offers a cornucopia of instances involving data, strategies and chance, each of which is perfectly suited to mathematical analysis. Beyond the obvious uses of mathematics for things such as rating baseball players and football quarterbacks, mathematics is used to design the dimple patterns on golf balls and the composition of racing tires; it is used for scheduling tournaments and for ranking teams; and it is used to determine tactics and to predict the ultimate limits in sports records.

Organizations and teachers from around the country have posted some ideas for the classroom and events at their schools on the MAM site. Even better, head to Subadra’s Math Awareness Month post on her blog: Library of Books, Links & More. Be sure to have a snack first, you might be there a while. There are over 50 great links to articles, activities, and books on mathematics and sport!


Pi Day 2010

Are you ready?

Ice cube tray available at Amazon.

Pi Clock  at

Clock in Terms of Pi

The San Francisco Exploratorium

is celebrating their 22nd annual Pi Day:

Come create Pi puns, participate in Pi-related antics—and have a slice of pie

Activities, music, and stories at

The site owners have sorted through hundreds of ideas and chosen their 50 ideas best  for celebrating Pi Day. (Be sure to check out the Pi Day Carols, too!)


World Metrology Day

I know you’re on the edge of your seat.

World Metrology Day is celebrated annually on May 20, the anniversary of  the international agreement on units of measurement finalized at the Metre Convention in Paris, France in 1875.

World Metrology Day (WMD) commemorates the signing of the treaty and it is a day when all the countries in the world that enjoy the benefits of a single, coherent system of measurements, traceable to the International System of Units (SI), celebrate the scientific, technological, and economic achievements that this treaty has enabled for more than a century.

There are only 3 countries in the world that have not officially recognized the metric system: Liberia, Myanmar, and the United States.

Great news for students struggling to remember how many ounces in a pound, feet in a mile, or cups in a gallon. According to Elizabeth Gentry of the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST):

The United States is undergoing a subtle transition to the International System of Units (SI), commonly known as the metric system.

Learn about events in Gaitherburg, MD and Boulder, CO as well as celebrations around the world at the official WMD2009 site.

You were wondering: “What is Metrology?”

From Coastal Calibration Laboratories:

Definition 1): Metrology is the science of measurement.

Definition 2): Metrology is the science of weights and measures used to determine the conformance of an item to technical requirements. Metrology also includes the development of standards and systems for absolute and relative measurements.

Want to learn more about Metrology?


Singapore Math Training Sessions


(Image courtesy of Indexed.)

I’ll be presenting “How to Use Strategies from Singapore Math to Strengthen your Math Instruction” in Cincinnati on May 13, Atlanta on May 14 and in New Jersey on May 20 & 21, 2009. You can read more about these 1 day seminars and register through the Institute for Educational Development.

All seminars will be “buzzword” free!

These are the only public sessions I’ll be doing until the 2009 – 2010 school year.

Thinking about a field trip to see the world’s top-scoring math in action? There are just a few spots left for this July’s Singapore Math Summer Program.
