Twin Cities’ Singapore Math Seminar – March 31

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The weather in Minnesota this winter has been brutal. In January alone,  schools were closed for several days due to extreme cold.

When schools close, other events for teachers are often cancelled, too. This was the case on January 27 when my Minneapolis BER seminar, “How to Use the Best Strategies From Singapore Mathematics to Strengthen Your Math Instruction,” was postponed.

If you were unable to attend in January, good news! My introductory seminar on math strategies from Singapore is now scheduled for Monday, March 31.

If you are interested in learning more about Singapore’s renowned primary mathematics program, plan to attend this full-day, hands-on event in the Twin Cities. From the brochure:

Specifically designed for teachers of kindergarten through sixth grade, this exciting seminar presents an introduction to math strategies from Singapore that will change your approach to teaching mathematics and greatly enhance your students’ achievement.

A detailed description and registration information is available here.

If you are interested in bringing me to your school or district, please complete the form here or send me an email: Cassy (at) SingaporeMathSource (dot) com.

About Cassy Turner

Passionate about Singapore Math + Teacher Trainer and Coach + Treasure Hunter + Learner. Answer to the ultimate question? 42.

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