Summer Workshops Onsite and Online!

Greetings Fellow Math Enthusiast!

We hope you and your colleagues have had a wildly successful school year, (at least “wild” school year) and, as the year winds down, we’d like to remind you of our flagship onsite and online Singapore Math trainings.

Sessions are filling up quickly!

Find a full description of each session on our website or click the location below to register:

Jumpstart Your Singapore Math | Denver | July 23-24, 2021

Jumpstart Your Singapore Math | Phoenix | July 29-33, 2021

Jumpstart Your singapore math | online

This program is a very cost-effective way for schools to get teachers new to the Singapore approach up-to-speed.

If your school is using Dimensions Math, Primary Math, Math in Focus, Eureka/EngageNY, or Think! Mathematics, we’ve got you covered.  

Stay safe, and if we may be of service at any time, please do not hesitate to get in touch!
About Cassy Turner

Passionate about Singapore Math + Teacher Trainer and Coach + Treasure Hunter + Learner. Answer to the ultimate question? 42.

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