Latest News and Reviews

Jumpstart Your Singapore Math 2025

Registration Open!We are in the final stages of confirming dates for Jumpstart Your Singapore Math, an intensive, two-day workshop covering all the essential elements of Singapore’s highly-acclaimed math program. "I have been in education for over a decade, and this has been one of the most engaging, practical, and meaningful Professional Development … [Keep Reading...]

Making Math Masters

My students love math class. In fact, many will tell you math is their favorite subject. Why? They’ll tell you it’s because Singapore math is fun. I’d say it’s because once they understand how math works, they become confident in their abilities. So what exactly is Singapore math? Wait, math from Singapore? Isn’t that … [Keep Reading...]

Quick Start

Experts weigh in on Singapore Math

I found some interesting interviews with noted mathematics experts, James Milgram and Ze'ev Wurman in a new blog called Math Experts - Q & A. The host, Pascal Blacque, asks mathematicians their … [Keep Reading...]

Math Problem Comparison

Teachers often ask, "What's the difference between (the textbook I'm using now) and Singapore Math textbooks?" While there are many answers, I'd like to direct you to a resource that has been pointing … [Keep Reading...]

Problem Solving and Literature

Denise at Let's Play Math has written up a some fourth grade level multi-step word problems (and provided bar model solutions) based on C. S. Lewis'  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. She … [Keep Reading...]

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