New Bar Modeling iPad Apps!

For many years, I’ve highly recommended to my students who hone their bar modeling skills while playing really fun games. These flash-based programs work great on a desktop or laptop, but required third-party solutions to work on mobile devices.

Tired of using Rover to run on your iPad?

Well, hop on over to the iTunes app store because Math Playground has just published  four new iPad apps based on the popular website that work perfectly, provide tracked progress and are FREE for a limited time:

Addition and Subtraction:

Thinking Blocks Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division:

Thinking Blocks Multiplication & Division


Thinking Blocks Fractions

Ratios and Proportion:

Thinking Blocks Ratio & Proportion


About Cassy Turner

Passionate about Singapore Math + Teacher Trainer and Coach + Treasure Hunter + Learner. Answer to the ultimate question? 42.


  1. Helping Tasks says

    Oh wow this is a good way to engage the new generation to learn maths. When times were simpler, like when i was a kid, it was just play cards and all that. Now, its all technology. 🙂

  2. I found this, not sure if this is of any use to anyone:

    It uses html5/canvas so doesn’t need flash. It does require a keyboard though.

  3. Hi Cassy,
    Just found your website in my site stats! Thanks for your comments about the activity!

    Only recently found out about Singapore Maths and was impressed by how easy to understand the bars models made everything so thought i would put together a small activity with some simple random questions. It also serves as a test for improving my html5/javascript skills as well!

    It’s a bit basic as you say and will probably expand on it in time as I find out more.

    Great site btw and thank you again for looking!

    • Have you looked at and Those are currently my go-to sites for online bar model drawing, although Thinking Blocks also has apps.

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