Who to see at National Math Educators Conferences this year?


As a full-time trainer and instructional coach, I know the importance of professional development and continuing education. Since embarking on this career path seven years ago, I’ve attended annual meetings of both the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and NCSM (formerly the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics). Attending NCTM, NCSM and other regional, national and international math conferences and educational events fulfills my personal ongoing learning goals.

In 2012, I was thrilled to have a proposal to present at NCTM accepted! (Here are two posts on that presentation: tools and thoughts).

NCTM 2015 header  2015BostonAM_590x90_WebBanner_p1For 2015, I submitted similar proposals to both NCTM and NCTM…and BOTH were accepted. Woot! And good news, my co presenter will be Lauri Susi of Conceptua Math.

Here’s the description:

Strip Models, Tape Diagrams, and Bar Models, Oh My!

Lead Speaker: Cassandra Turner
Co-Speaker: Lauri Susi

These visual components sit at the intersection of Common Core, Singapore Math®, and now technology! Learn why this visual model for word problems is so powerful, try some problems from the simple to the complex, and investigate web-based programs and iPad apps that will help anyone incorporate this effective strategy into their classrooms.

The NCSM Presentation is on Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM.

The NCTM Presentation is on Thursday, April 16, 2015, from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (details here).

But that’s not all!

This year, Singapore Math Inc. asked me to present an NCTM workshop to address some practical considerations schools face when implementing the curriculum.

Filling Knowledge Gaps with Critical Singapore Math® Approach Across Grade Levels (Gr. 3-5)

One of the biggest challenges during a Singapore Math® implementation can be the gaps in student knowledge. Upper elementary students frequently lack the foundation provided by the 1st-3rd grade Singapore curriculum. In this direct from the classroom session, you’ll learn the critical lessons and concepts students must master before jumping into their grade-level content.

This NCTM Workshop is on Friday, April 16, 2015, from 12:30 – 1:30 PM

When the complete conference schedules for both NCTM and NCSM are available, I’ll publish an overview of Singapore Math® presentations along with recommendations for session at each conference as I have done every year since 2010.

If you are headed to Boston in April, please consider attending one of these sessions.  I’d love to connect with you!

NCSM Boston2015BostonAM_200x2002015 NCSM Annual Conference – April 13-15, 2015

A Vision for Mathematics Leaders

2015 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition – April 15-18, 2015

Effective Teaching to Ensure Mathematical Success for All

Boston, Massachusetts
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center

[Note: Conference organizers include a “Times Subject to Change” disclaimer. I’ll update this information if it changes.]

Strip Models, Tape Diagrams, Bar Models, Oh My!

NCTM 2015 Boston
NCSM 2015 conference

My session entitled Strip Models, Tape Diagrams, Bar Models, Oh My! has been accepted for both 2015 national conferences of the  National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Lauri Susi of Conceptua Math is my co-presenter on these!


Now you can vote for the session to be held at the National Charter Schools Conference (NCSC) as well. We’ll reach a whole new crowd of Charter School administrators, teachers and founders!

The short description of the session:

Strip Models, Tape Diagrams, Bar Models, Oh My!NCSC15-Logo-Round5_1

These visual components sit at the intersection of Common Core, the Singapore Math® approach, and now technology! Learn why visual models for word problems are so powerful, try some problems from the simple to the complex, and investigate web-based programs and iPad apps that will help anyone incorporate this effective strategy into their classrooms.

Participants will learn how to create visual models for word problems and then integrate model drawing into their instruction. Questioning techniques for guiding student understanding of problem solving will be modeled for participants. Attendees will learn how the use of visual models for word problems can help students build a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Attendees will see and try online modeling tools used to develop and assess students’ deep understanding of word problems.

Vote by December 19th to get this session on the schedule!

Vote for Cassy’s NCSC Proposal!



Save the Date! Singapore Mathematics Fall 2014 Seminars

My brain exploded!

Here are the just-released Fall 2014 dates for my BER seminars “How to Use the Best Strategies from Singapore Mathematics to Strengthen your Math Instruction”  and  “Boost Students’ Math Problem Solving Skills Using Singapore Model Drawing” 

Boost Students’ Math Problem Solving Skills Using Singapore Model Drawing” (BER)

A whole day of problem solving with Singapore Bar Modeling PLUS that handbook for your own home enjoyment! (- with the answers and fully worked solutions!)


“How to Use the Best Strategies From Singapore Mathematics to Strengthen Your Math Instruction” (BER) – I’ll update this post when the registrations are available. UPDATED 8/16/2014

2015 dates – I’ll update this post with links when the registrations are available. 

This overview of Singapore Math® strategies will put your students on the road to success with number sense, computation and problem solving.  (Plus you a get a handy-dandy handbook!)


Your city not on the list? Contact me and I can bring my Singapore Math® workshop(s) to your school or district – email Cassy (at) singaporemathsource.com

Singapore Math Common Core Edition debuts at NCTM Conference

Cassy Turner

Thanks to Pearson for my cool caricature. Looks just like me, doesn’t it?!

I’ve just returned from an invigorating week at the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) conferences in New Orleans. Expect some posts soon that will share interesting things that I learned.

Common Core Edition of Primary Mathematics

First off, the new Common Core aligned editions of Primary Mathematics were available at the Singapore Math, Inc.® booth and they looked great! If you’re currently using the California Standards Edition of Primary Mathematics, don’t panic! The company will continue to carry the materials. However, once you see the Common Core Edition, you’re probably going to want to switch. [Using the U.S. Edition? You’re good to go with some supplementing, but you’re used to that already.   😉  ]  Copies of the new materials are not available for preview yet, but I’ll be posting some more info and sample lessons as they do become available.

Good news! Looks like there will be a Primary Digital component to the program as well.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m a little Common Core-d out. It seems like EVERY session at both conferences had to reference the Common Core to get accepted. Thank goodness that Primary Mathematics is already fairly well aligned  to Common Core. [Don’t believe me? Here’s Achieve’s analysis.] In perusing the new Primary Mathematics Common Core books, I noticed that content was not moved to higher grade levels, just because that’s where it was in the CCSS-M. They’ve kept the integrity of the sequence, added a few review lessons to meet CCSS-M at grade level and provided an unprecedented level of potential student questioning and discourse in the Teacher’s Guides.

I thought I’d leave you with one of the Japanese Puzzles from a fabulous session at NCTM presented by Jeffrey Wanko called Puzzling It Out: Teaching Inductive Reasoning. Have fun!

Use the three examples of Mirror puzzles and their unique solutions shown below to determine both the goal and the rules that govern Mirror puzzles.Mirrors_Puzzles


Seeking Singapore Math training in Hawaii?

leiAre you a school on the Big Island  that would like to take part in a two day Singapore Math training? You don’t necessarily need to be using the curriculum, just interested in supplementing or using strategies from Singapore Math.

If so, I have a school that would like to pair with with you and share the costs. They’re looking to host the two-day session sometime from the last week of July through August 5th.  If that fits your schedule and plans, email Cassy (at) singaporemathsource.com and I’ll hook you up.
