Supporting Schools in the Covid-19 Era

We know that teachers learn best when they learn together.

For this reason, over the last dozen years, we’ve primarily offered onsite, in-person training.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, delivering instruction live in schools is currently difficult and it is unclear when we will be able to resume “normal” training.

Given this uncertainty, we have developed creative ways to provide educators with the high-quality training that you have come to expect from Math Champions. We are fully prepared to support you and your teachers with the best training possible in these unusual circumstances.

Here is an overview of training options currently available to schools:

Live Onsite Training Visits

We are fully prepared to visit your school for in-person sessions if it is feasible to learn in a safe environment and follow recommended state and CDC guidelines. Our teacher voices project beyond 6 feet, our manipulatives are sanitized after each use, and our hands are washed.

Live, Remote Training via Video Conference

While we know we cannot replicate the energy and discourse of an onsite training, we can cover most of the content required to get teachers up and running through online sessions.

Delivering instruction in this format is different than in person, and we know that teachers may be “Zoom”ed out. For that reasons, we have planned these with more frequent, shorter breaks to keep teachers fresh and attentive.

Recorded Training Modules

We have created a series of recorded modules that serve as an Introduction to Singapore Math. The series consists of five videos, each approximately one hour in length. If teachers complete the included activities, the program equates to approximately nine hours of professional development.

These videos cover the basics of Singapore Math, including:

  • What is Singapore Math? What are the foundations and pedagogy of the curriculum?
  • Addition and subtraction basics and mental math
  • Multiplication facts and mental math strategies for multiplication and division
  • Using place value discs to teach the four operations
  • An introduction to bar modeling for solving words problems

Recorded Modules cover the bulk of the mathematical content we typically address during onsite Introductory training. To ensure that questions are answered, and teachers are fully prepared to teach, we suggest that live, remote training sessions be included to supplement recorded modules. We can help devise a structure for your school in a variety of ways to maximize learning.

Support for Success

We are committed to giving schools resources and support to ensure success throughout the school year, including:

  • Resource Handbook: The amount of material and content covered in a training can seem overwhelming. Because of this, we provide each teacher with a handbook that serves as a future reference guide
  • Support: We offer email and telephone access as needed for questions from teachers and administration to allow your schools to seek help or advice quickly.
  • Parent Night Presentations: We love to host Parent education events, which can be informational sessions or a variety of hands-on, bootcamp style learning experiences. We have already done introductory parent nights via Zoom!
  • Parent-teachers: If fall finds your school needing parents to teach a good amount at home, we can extend our offer of email support or even online office hours for your parents.

Please reach out if you have questions or want to share information about your school’s situation.

Be well and stay safe.


Survey – How do you like to learn online?

We’re looking at offering one of the Jumpstart Your Singapore Math workshops online, but we’d love to hear what you think.

Can you help us out and answer this easy 2 question survey?


Singapore Math Office Hours for Teachers

Live Online Office Hours

With the COVID crisis keeping me at home, I really miss spending time with teachers. Fortunately, tech tools like Zoom offer an alternative. I had planned to offer office hours in April for teachers to address your questions about teaching math using a Singapore approach.

And then this happened:


Are you stuck at home and need to teach your students remotely? Just curious about Singapore Math or Model Drawing? 

This is your opportunity to Ask Me Anything about teaching math the Singapore way. Please register here for the Tuesday, March 31 session. This Q & A will begin at 1:00 PM  Mountain Time (US). Attendance is limited, so sign up today! Canceled due to personal emergency. We’ll try again in 2 weeks!

I’d love your input on times or topics for future sessions; share your suggestions here.


The Impact of Singapore Math at MPA

[Note: I’ve enjoyed working with Mounds Park Academy (MPA) in Saint Paul, Minnesota, since 2014. For the last three years, MPA has generously hosted our annual Jumpstart Your Singapore Math Instruction workshops.]

Renee Wright

I was thrilled to read a January 9, 2020, blog post, “The Impact of Singapore Math at MPA,” written by Lower School Director Renee Wright. It is a brief, but thorough, overview that anyone considering a Singapore program should read.

Renee recounts some of the many reasons the school chose to adopt
a Singapore program in kindergarten through fifth grade six years ago,

Singapore Math meets the needs of all learners, provides
extra practice and support for students when necessary, and is inherently
challenging for the advanced math student.

To illustrate her point, Renee invites readers to consider a word
problem assigned to fourth graders:

Wright, Dr. Hudson, and Ms. Tesdahl all wrapped lots of presents over
the holidays.
Mrs. Wright wrapped four times as many as Dr. Hudson (remember,
she has grandchildren!), and Ms. Tesdahl wrapped 3 more than half as many
as Mrs. Wright. Together they wrapped 31 presents. How many presents did
Dr. Hudson wrap?

She notes that this is a challenging problem for Lower School students and maybe even readers. But:

Believe it or not, fourth-graders at Mounds Park Academy approached this problem with confidence and were successful in finding the solution.

Renee includes data to document student success:

We can carefully examine the longitudinal data and impact of
Singapore Math. One way is to review ACT Aspire assessment data collected over
the past several years to determine if our students’ scores have shown
improvement. Our student data has been compared to national percentiles and
independent school benchmarks and it shows that our students have made steady
gains in math concepts and usage.

She also includes anecdotal evidence from several teachers, including: Renette Stinson and Shelley Steingraeber (third grade); Deedee Stacy and Yamini Kimmerle (fourth grade); and Chris Peterson (fifth grade). Deedee and Yamini said:

Singapore Math is designed to give students an extremely well
developed mathematical foundation, and to challenge them daily to apply
mathematical concepts in new situations. Our students at MPA love to learn, and
Singapore Math makes that happen!

And what did students say?

…third graders [said] that Singapore Math is challenging, but
fun! One student identified the mental math emphasis as something that helps
him use math every single day. Another student said she used to hate math but
now she loves it because Singapore Math makes sense.

Finally, Renee offers her reflections:

Today, as an administrator looking at the data, hearing from
the teachers, and feeling the enthusiasm for math from our students, I know
that adopting Singapore Math was the right decision. It has served our students
well and is aligned with the college preparatory nature and foundational
mission of our school. I am so proud of the time, attention, and effort our
teachers have put into teaching the Singapore curriculum. I acknowledge and
celebrate the math success our students have had daily in the classroom due to
the Singapore Math curriculum and feel confident they are ready for their
future journey of higher level math.


Ask the Experts: What’s the best way to organize my math manipulatives?

The answer to this question is complicated. So much of how to organize materials is dependent upon personal preference with procedures and arrangement within your classroom. One thing that I can say is true in all cases is that they DO NOT belong in the closet!

I highly recommend that you dedicate a shelf or area of your classroom to math materials. It’s equally important for students to choose the most appropriate tool, as it is for them to use them. Having materials out for students at all times will allow for that.

One of the joys of my job is that I get to visit schools and classrooms across the country. So, I will share with you some organizational tips that I have gathered from my journeys.

There are three schools of thought (no pun intended) when it comes to organizing manipulatives; individual kits, group kits or community tubs. You may find it helpful to use a combination of the three, depending on the item.

I’ll mention a couple of manipulatives specifically here.

Place Value Discs

Student Kits

Many teachers prefer to organize discs into student kits. The idea being that students will have easy access to the discs for lessons with minimal time getting discs out and cleaning them up.

This option works great if you have enough discs for each student to have 20 of each place value; 20 ones, 20 tens, 20 hundreds, etc. Students are expected to keep these baggies or boxes of discs in their desks.

Pros: Easy access

Cons: Relies on students to maintain the correct number of discs in their kits. (I was that teacher who couldn’t stand the fact that there was one ten disc on the floor at the end of the lesson that seemed to belong to no one!)

Group Kits

Like student kits, you’ll need 20 of each place value in each kit. With group kits, you don’t need as many total discs. The idea here is that students will use discs with a partner or in small groups. These kits can be stored in a community tub and pulled out for use during lessons.

Pros: Easy access

Cons: See above. (Which kit does this disc belong to?!?)

Community Tubs

In this case, discs are organized by place value into tubs. So, you would have a tub of ones, a tub of tens, and so on. In each tub, you can keep a set of small cups (Dixie cups work well) for students to take a scoop of the discs when needed. Clean up is a snap. Students simply dump the cups of discs back into the correct place value tub.

Pros: No more mystery missing discs! Very quick set up. (No more evenings spent counting out discs while watching TV.)

Cons: Requires a bit more practice with the procedure of gathering and returning discs to the correct tub.

Linking Cubes

Linking cubes are a multi-functional manipulative that each classroom should have. For a class of about 20 students, you’ll want to have at least 400 individual cubes. That’s enough for each student to have a set of 20 when needed for instruction. If you’re using them for modeling area or multiplication arrays, you might want double that amount.

Student Kits or Group Kits

You’ll want to put at least 20 in each kit.

Pros: Ease of access.

Cons: Whose cube is this?!?

Community Tubs

If you are keeping your cubes in tubs, for ease of passing out and cleaning up, organize them in rods of 10, preferably by color. That way you can quickly pass out 2 rods (or more) to each student or partner group.

Pros: Fewer materials in student desks. No more mystery cubes.

Cons: Need to establish procedures for keeping cubes in rods of ten. (Easy, peasy!)


Other manipulatives should be in tubs on a shelf in the classroom available to all students at all times!

If you have any organizational tips from your classroom that you’d like to share, please send us a comment.


