Announcing Summer 2021 Jumpstart Your Singapore Math Workshops

I couldn’t imagine teaching this year without this class. It was amazing!
Joanne Pilon
6-8 Math, Holy Family Academy

We are pleased to announce the return of Jumpstart, an intensive, two-day workshop for current and potential users of

  • Dimensions Math
  • Primary Mathematics
  • Math in Focus
  • Eureka/EngageNY
  • Think! Mathematics
  • or just interested in incorporating a Singapore approach to teaching mathematics. 

If you are:

  • new to the Singapore approach to math instruction…
  • needing a refresher to boost your math teaching skills…
  • wanting to incorporate the best practices from Singapore into your current curriculum…or
  • curious about the reasons for Singapore’s remarkable success…

…then this workshop is for you!

Cassy, and new presenter Susan Resnick, invite you to join us for dates currently scheduled for Denver, Colorado, and Phoenix, Arizona.

Click here to get all of the details and to register for this informative program!

Interested in hosting a Jumpstart session at your school? Email:

About Cassy Turner

Passionate about Singapore Math + Teacher Trainer and Coach + Treasure Hunter + Learner. Answer to the ultimate question? 42.


  1. Hello
    Thank you for having Jumpstart. It’s a great event. Will Jumpstart have a virtual option due to these extraordinary times? Also, please consider a more affordable plan for homeschoolers. For example, a partial day or a particular class are couple of ideas for the cost adjustment.
    Best regards,

    • Hi Louie, We do have an online Jumpstart your Singapore Math option this summer and we have homeschooling parents attend past workshops onsite, so it is an option. What particular class might you be interested in? I’m happy to put something together.

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