Word Problem Wednesday – Committees

Summer’s here, but you’re missing your math? Don’t despair – we’ve got you covered. Check the site each week for one whopper of a word problem that’s sure to challenge!

This week’s problem comes from Brain Maths 2 by Tan Thoo Liang, published in 2007 by Panpac Education Private Limited. (For ages 11 and up)

There are 8 people on committee A and 9 people on committee B. If 5 people serve on both committees, how many people serve on only one of the committees?

Submit your solutions and we’ll post all interesting strategies next week.


Last week’s problem and solution:

Two plates and 3 bowls weigh 2 1/5 lbs. Five plates and 6 bowls weigh 4 9/10 lbs. Find the weight of one plate.

Whew! How did you do?

Solutions from our fabulous followers:

Kris Simonson:

Shirley Davis:





About Cassy Turner

Passionate about Singapore Math + Teacher Trainer and Coach + Treasure Hunter + Learner. Answer to the ultimate question? 42.

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