Who to see at NCSM 2016?

Each year I attend the NCSM Annual Conference for my own personal professional development. The sessions on teacher development and coaching are invaluable! I don’t have my full schedule planned yet, but thought I’d share a few of the speakers that I make a point to see each year.

The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics is designed for math Lead, Coaches, anyone with a commitment to improving mathematics education. Their vision is built upon the pillars of:


First off, don’t miss my session where Lauri Susi and I will be sharing the latest in Bar Model/Tape Diagram technology! It’s the last session on Monday, so plan to hang around afterward with questions.

Let’s connect! Find me via the NCSM Conference app or email: cassy (at) singaporemathsource (dot) com

April 11, 2016, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

#1706 A Picture + Technology = Understanding x 10

Lead Speaker: Cassandra Turner
Co-Presenter: Lauri Susi
Room: OCC 202

Tape Diagrams, Bar Models, and other pictorial representations sit at the intersection of CCSSM, problem solving and technology! Come solve problems from the simple to the complex, and investigate a web-based program and iPad app that will help anyone incorporate this practical and visual problem-solving strategy into their classrooms.

April 11, 2016, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM

#1101 Who Are You and What Do You Want To Create?
Lead Speaker: Lucy West

What is the most important skill you can cultivate to influence the system in which you work in positive and productive ways? Are you caught in old thinking patterns and outdated notions associated with hierarchical structures and defined roles? Do you have the skill set and the courage to speak up in ways others will listen and even act upon? When the pressures of new standards, high-stakes testing linked to student and teacher evaluations seem relentless and you are faced with tough decisions about where to focus your energy, how do you maintain your integrity yet stay in the game? Join me to reflect on what the research says is the most important condition needed for any organization to thrive.

#1102 A Curriculum Developer Looks at the Common Core and Its Testing
Lead Speaker: Zal Usiskin

The CCSSM constitute an ideal curriculum, while PARCC, SBAC, and the other tests constitute a tested curriculum. To what extent are these curricula in sync with each other and to the NCTM Standards (another ideal), and to what extent do these curricula agree with curricula in other countries?

April 11, 2016, 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM

#1203 Digital Tools and Three-Act Tasks: Marriages Made in the Cloud
Lead Speaker: Arjan Khalsa

Bring your iPad and your inquisitive mind. What do you notice? What do you wonder? How can you lead your district to use free, online tools effectively? This session features mathematical tasks with video anchors and online, virtual manipulatives. Themes will include: inquiry, rich discourse, perseverance, and authentic connections for grades 3–5.

#1207 Working in Harmony: Orchestrating Effective Parent Education
Lead Speaker: Barbara Blanke

It is critical to work in harmony with parents to support ALL students’ mathematical learning. Our coaching teams implemented informational meetings, parent coffees, Problems of the Month, and family mathematics nights to nurture parents’ understanding of the CCSSM. Receive ready-to-use resources to educate and build constructive partnerships.

April 11, 2016, 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM

#1607 Leading Change: Professional Development (PD) Moves That Promote New Ways of Thinking, Learning, and Teaching
Lead Speaker: Kim Rimbey

Meaningful PD opportunities provide time for participants to develop pedagogical content knowledge while reflecting on practice. But teachers want to walk out the door with “activities they can use tomorrow.” Join us as we examine strategic PD moves that customize and enhance presentations while layering classroom tasks with deep adult learning.

April 13: 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM

#3102 Critical Connections
Lead Speaker: Greg Tang

Teaching students to make sense of problems may be the single most important thing we can do. But what exactly does that look like? Join us as we make surprising connections between part-whole models, comparison word problems and simultaneous equations. Mathematics is amazing when it actually makes sense!

#3103 Demonstrating Understanding of Algebraic Concepts
Lead Speaker: Robyn Silbey

Other than following a series of prescribed steps, how can students show they have deep conceptual understanding? First, you’ll explore one algebraic concept that connects ideas and demonstrates true understanding. Then, leader actions and thought processes applying to daily instruction will be shared. Every student can fully understand algebra!

April 13: 11:45 AM – 12:45 AM

#3302 How to Create a Mathematics Teacher Specialist Network
Lead Speaker: Robert Kaplinsky

We have developed a thriving network of over 140 mathematics teacher specialists from five counties that regularly meets to collaborate and save time by pulling the best ideas from the group. Members state that it is the best ongoing professional development they receive. Learn how to grow one in your area and avoid potential implementation issues.

April 13: 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM

#3604 Practical Suggestions for Recasting our Homework Policies and Practices
Lead Speaker: Steve Leinwand

Little in life is a greater waste of time than doing and going over mathematics homework. This session will review typical practices, available research, and propose a set of changes that result in far more impactful homework policies and practices.



About Cassy Turner

Passionate about Singapore Math + Teacher Trainer and Coach + Treasure Hunter + Learner. Answer to the ultimate question? 42.

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