Singapore Math Online Resources – Free! (For now…)

Since so many teachers and parents are schooling from home, I thought I’d update some of the resources that companies are offering for free, at least through the end of the academic year.

Dimensions Math and Primary Math

For students:  free instructional lesson videos  Grades 1–4.
These are designed for students to use with textbooks and workbooks to complete their school work. Many of these lessons may be used for students using Primary Mathematics as well; PM students should look here to find the corresponding Dimensions Math chapters.

For teachers: free access to ebooks. Fill out the request form here:

Primary Math and Math in Focus

Marshall Cavendish is providing free access through the end of May to Math Buddies, an online learning tool.

Some of my favorite sites and apps

About Cassy Turner

Passionate about Singapore Math + Teacher Trainer and Coach + Treasure Hunter + Learner. Answer to the ultimate question? 42.


  1. Juanita Mendez says

    I attended Singapore Word Problems for model drawings and I have lost most of my info except for 4th and 6th grade. Is there anyway I can get the other levels.

  2. Hi,
    I was wondering if you were planning on releasing ebooks for 4A through 8A and/or high-school math?

    • Hi Nasiba, You’d need to talk to the publisher about whether they are creating an ebook for grades 6-8. The ebooks for 4A through 5B are currently available online.

  3. Hello,
    Where can access ebooks?

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