Jumpstart Your Singapore Math 2020

Registration is open!

Toronto, Ontario | June 25 – 26, 2020

Canceled due to COVID 19 concerns. 

Denver, CO | July 27 – 28, 2020

NOW ONLINE! | July 30 – 31, 2020

Burbank, CA | August 3 – 4, 2020

Canceled due to COVID 19 concerns. 

Join us for a unique, interactive, hands-on learning experience for K-6 Teachers, Coaches and Math Specialists. Experience two days of focused, content-based instruction on how to best use the Singapore Math approach.
  • Are you a teacher new to the Singapore approach to math instruction?
  • Looking for a refresher to boost your math teaching skills?
  • Wanting to incorporate the best practices from Singapore into your current curriculum?
  • Just curious about the reasons for Singapore’s remarkable success?
if so… Plan to attend Jumpstart Your Singapore Math® Instruction. This intensive learning opportunity will cover all the essential elements of Singapore’s highly-acclaimed math program, including strategies, number sense, model drawing, and curriculum. In addition to the math content, you’ll learn how to use assessments, assign and evaluate home enjoyment and strategies to remediate and extend lessons for student learning. Jumpstart Schedule: Day One offers a deep dive into the Singapore approach, including the pedagogy and number sense components.
Day Two offers two different programs for Grade Level bands: K-2 and 3-6:
  • The K-2 component focuses on hands-on learning and tasks for younger learners.
  • The 3-6 component includes deeper work with algorithms, fractions, and model drawing.
*COVID-19 UPDATE Our second trainer is unable to travel due to COVID-19 restrictions. For that reason, Cassy will be the sole trainer on both days. Although we cannot offer differentiated sessions on Day 2, Cassy will cover the content pertinent for teachers at all grade levels in a commingled session.* Check out the reviews of past Jumpstart Your Singapore Math® sessions

Why attend?

Singapore’s approach to math education is much different from curricula commonly taught in American schools. For this reason, teachers need a solid understanding of Singapore’s pedagogy to deliver instruction. Since 2008, Math Champions’ Teacher-Trainers have helped thousands of teachers understand and effectively teach elementary mathematics. The Jumpstart Your Singapore Math® program is based on training methods refined over the past decade through our work with more than 130 schools and more than 200 seminars for educators. This workshop is for current and potential users of
  • Dimensions Math
  • Primary Math
  • Eureka/EngageNY
  • Think Mathematics
  • Math in Focus
  • anyone interested in incorporating these techniques into their own classroom, regardless of their current curriculum.

Learn from the Best

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn directly from acclaimed trainers and experts in the Singapore Math approach.

What attendees say about our training:

Engaging instruction
Games for practice!
Engaging instruction
Games for practice!
Engaging instruction
Games for practice!
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Day One: Introduction and Overview of the Singapore Math approach and its Key Components

  • The Philosophy of mathematics instruction in Singapore: Educators will leave with an understanding of why the Singapore approach is gaining popularity around the world. We will explore Singapore’s teaching model and key ideas behind the curriculum.
  • Methods used in the Singapore curriculum: Learn how to plan and deliver effective lessons, understanding and incorporating key components and Tasks to engage learners through independent thinking and problem-solving.
  • Explore number sense and mental math strategies: We will take an in-depth look at number sense and its importance through the use of number bonds and mental math strategies.
  • Teach concepts to mastery: Explore the coherent sequence and how concepts build and develop mastery throughout the grades.
  • Use the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to teach place value and operations.

Day Two: Choose your own adventure!

Option A-Kindergarten through Second Grade

Focus on  specific strategies taught in Kindergarten through second grade. Educators will leave with a depth of understanding and the tools needed to successfully implement the curriculum at the lower grade levels. Strategies to overcome challenges with diverse learners will be included, as well as an exploration of best practices to teach early concepts with depth and mastery.

Option B-Third through Sixth Grade

Focus on specific strategies taught in Grades 3 through 6. Educators will leave with a depth of understanding and the tools needed to successfully implement the curriculum at the upper-grade levels, including extensive work with teaching and assessing model drawing for problem-solving. Strategies for remediating critical gaps will be covered.


Daily Schedule:
8:00 AM – Registration and Coffee
8:30 AM – Sessions start
11:45 AM – Lunch is provided!
3:30 PM – Closing

$595 per person for two full days of instruction
To pay by PO or check, email: Training@MathChampions.com

What’s Included?
…You mean besides all the great learning?!

  • A comprehensive resource handbook
  • Coffee and lite breakfast each morning
  • On-site lunch provided each day
  • Certificate of Attendance for 12 clock hours.
  • Free parking
Embassy Suites Denver Tech Center North
7525 East Hampden Avenue
Denver, CO 80231

Contact us at Training@mathchampions.com if you need to use a check or PO!

For more information:

Jumpstart and COVID-19 (Updated March 26, 2020)

The Coronavirus pandemic has escalated significantly since we announced these workshops three weeks ago. We hope the crisis will soon pass and life will return to something more normal.

We know when that happens, teachers will want training for next school year. We will continue to evaluate the situation and provide updates here.  We will also notify those registered of any changes and offer a flexible refund policy.

Please stay safe in these uncertain times.
