If I had a million dollars, ok $1000…

Recently, I received a question from an excited teacher who had just received a grant to spend on her classroom: “If you had a $1000 dollar grant and taught second grade, what would be the most important pieces of Singapore Math you’d buy?”

If I had a million dollars, ok $1000… here are two scenarios.

#1 Using the curriculum in 2nd grade as your main curriculum

  1. A classroom set of the 1B & 2A textbooks @ $9.00 each, so if you had 24 students + 1 for your self: 25 x $18 = $450
  2. Possibly a set of the 2B textbooks: 25 x $9 = $225
  3. A Teacher Manual for 1B, 2A & 2B: 3 x $21 = $63
  4. A workbook for reference and problem ideas for 1B, 2A & 2B = 3 x $9 = $27
  5. Challenging Word problems level 1 & 2: 2 x $8.50 = $17.00
  6. Intensive Practice: 1B, 2A & 2B: 3 x $8.80 = $26.40
  7. Process Skills in Problem Solving: $10.70
  8. Math Sprints Masters, Levels 1 & 2: 2 x $31 =$62
  9. Elementary Mathematics for Teachers by Parker & Baldridge: $29
  10. Place Value Strips: $12.50

That’s $625.80

I’d spend the rest on linking cubes, base-10 blocks, place value disks or other manipulatives and containers to keep them organized.

Keep in mind that for Number Disks/Place Value Disks you’ll need about 20 each of ones, tens and hundreds disks per student or pair of students sharing. Many companies sell these:

Place Value Disks, 100 Ones DisksPlace Value Disks, 100 Ones Disks

Place Value Disks - 100 Tens DisksPlace Value Disks – 100 Tens Disks

Place Value Disks (1-3): HundredsPlace Value Disks – 100 Hundreds Disks

#2 Using Singapore Math to Supplement another core curriculum:

  1. Start a library at your school with one set of the textbooks and workbooks for every grade level at the school as reference (4 per grade level)  x $9.00 each book – k-6 would be $36 x 7, k-5 would be $36 x 6
  2. A Teacher Manual for each level:  $21 each book, 2 books per grade level = $42 per grade level
  3. Challenging Word problems are $11 each and there are 6 levels (1-6)
  4. Process Skills in Problem Solving vary in cost from $10.20 to $12.80 – levels 1-6
  5. SpeedMaths Level 1 – 4: $8.20 each (no higher than level 4!)
  6. Math Sprints Masters, Levels 1 -5: 5 x $31
  7. Elementary Mathematics for Teachers by Parker & Baldridge: $29 several copies for staff
  8. The Singapore Model Method for Learning Mathematics: $29 for grades 5 & up
  9. Teaching of Whole Numbers by Dr Yeap Ban Har, Singapore’s renowned math educator, $30.50
  10. Bar Modeling A Problem-solving Tool also by by Dr Yeap Ban Har, for lower elementary. $30.50
  11. Place Value Disks: get plenty of ones, tens and hundreds. $15.95 per 100 disks
  12. Place Value Strips: $12.50 and other manipulatives (if you don’t already have them on campus).

What did I miss? Are there any books or tools that you consider “must-haves” in your Singapore Math classroom?

About Cassy Turner

Passionate about Singapore Math + Teacher Trainer and Coach + Treasure Hunter + Learner. Answer to the ultimate question? 42.

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